Websites 261 - 270 van 1909:
A genealogical publication by Nadine Tull with information about, among others, the families Wilmot, Bruyneel, Hudson, Mager, Margerison, Walton, Wear, Delatte and Jenkinson.
A genealogical publication by Robert Harris with information about, among others, the families Harris, Lyttelton, Budde, Nutley, Zorn, Binks, Littleton, Shoulders and Gardner.
Buitekant & Scheffer Family Tree
A genealogical publication by Lydia Burns with information about, among others, the families Burns, Oakes, Trout, Buitenkant, Irby, Buitekant, Buijtenkant, Fioto and Scheffer.
A genealogical publication by Joyce Butterworth Burns with information about, among others, the families Bradshaw, Zeluff, Bennett, Boone, Ward, Burns, Varn, Smith and Geiger.
Gegevens van de families Bultman, van 't Goor, Magré, Zwep en Van den Nagel.
A genealogical publication by Jacob Wachholtz with information about, among others, the families Buoy, Hanneman, Schilling, Pihlgren, Persdotter, Carlberg, Harrison, Pilgren and Persson.