Websites 21 - 30 van 784:
A genealogical publication by Marianne Dankner with information about, among others, the families Dankner, Sell, Jurkowitz, Haney, Holloway, Check, Proctor, Czeck and Eckmann.
Een genealogische publicatie door Johan Duyf met gegevens over onder andere de families AGTERBERG, BAKKER, de BOER, HEIJNIS, JANNEMAN, DUIJF, EENHOORN, HEMPENIUS, KOK, MOLENAAR, OUT, PLOEG, RIEPEN, ROMP, SMIT, de WOLF
A genealogical publication by Billy Davenport with information about, among others, the families Witcher, Davenport, Browne, Parsons, Adkins, Browning, Birdwell, Netherton and Whitley.
Davis - Sewell -Tyson - Underwood Trees
A genealogical publication by William H Davis III with information about, among others, the families Davis, Tyson, Underwood, Sawyer, Owen, Chadwick, Sewell, Parker and White.
A genealogical publication by William H Davis III with information about, among others, the families Davis, Sawyer, Tyson, Owen, Chadwick, Underwood, Sewell, Parker and West.