Websites 291 - 300 van 1285:
A genealogical publication by Christian Hamacher with information about, among others, the families Degutsch, Pakroppa, Serowy, Hamacher, Flimm, Burbach, Esser, Rekowski and Klein.
A genealogical publication by Rebecca Gibson with information about, among others, the families Hamerslag, Quartel, Van Woerkom, Bateman, Barnes, Gibson, Couvee, Alberts and Balmforth.
A genealogical publication by Peter Edward Hamrol with information about, among others, the families Hamrol, Shrieves, De Clifford, Mortimer, Poulton, Clifford, De Montfort, Courtenay and Cuxton.
Een genealogische publicatie door Ger kempen met gegevens over onder andere de families Halsema, Vos, Schaatsenberg, Van Kooten, Westerhof, Rempts, Voorthuizen, Smit en Jansen.
Met o.a. genealogieën van de families Ha(e)ma(e)(c)kers, Schallenberg en Kruithof.
A genealogical publication by Ricky Happ with information about, among others, the families Hussey, Happ, Turner, Dick, Litchfield, Simantel, Stuckey, Bateman and Lynch.
A genealogical publication by Hardouin with information about, among others, the families Agne, Bach, Tournier, Hardouin, Fischer, Klesmann, Zoll, Chelius and Krehbast.
A genealogical publication by Pierre Hardy Domah with information about, among others, the families Hardy, Morice, Plouvier, Dhaussy, Mathieu, Harmegnies, Doye, Thiebaut and Quevy.