Websites 21 - 30 van 409:
Een genealogische publicatie door Jakob Looise met gegevens over onder andere de families Davidse, Jeanville, De Buck, Kasse, Goverse, Mesu, Maas, Van de Bosse en Bliek.
Families de Jong, Helffensteijn en Bleeker
Oorspong familie de Jong in omgeving Tjerkwert; vanaf plm. 1800 is Heeg de basis
Family tree for Johnson/Stevens
A genealogical publication by Olaunda Johnson with information about, among others, the families Stevens, Beaulieu, Davids, Johnson, Hanawalt, (Wacker)schnell (adopted By Schnell), Jenkins, James and Randolph.
A genealogical publication by Janalva Hendry with information about, among others, the families Clark, Wilson, Smith, Pearson, Grooms, Coulter, Moore, Graham and Carter.
Family Tree Janse van Rensburg
A genealogical publication by Melissa Zambetti with information about, among others, the families Van der Merwe, Janse van Rensburg, Erasmus, Esterhuizen, Smit, Burger, Mouton, Erasmús and Van der Piet.
A genealogical publication by Jonathan Jarocki with information about, among others, the families Cooper, Wells, Jarocki, Welles, Rhodes, De Welles, Norman, Williams and Shepard.
A genealogical publication by Jennifer Thompson with information about, among others, the families Strand, Wambach, Diemert, Lombard, Anstett, Hassebrock, Van Langen, Melberg and Johnson.
A genealogical publication by Ernest Jonker with information about, among others, the families Jonker, Vosseberg, Hanshaw, Slaa, Private, Smit, De Haan, Van Goor and Ter Mors.