Websites 71 - 80 van 1160:
A genealogical publication by Thom King with information about, among others, the families Hurd, Wells, Merritt, Higgins, Brown, Mcclintick, Ledford, Hainey and Clay.
Family tree Koolen, Van Bekkum, Verberne
A genealogical publication by Lucas Verberne with information about, among others, the families Backx, Oerlemans, Van Hamersveld, De Bourgogne, Van Loon, Smit, Van den Bergh, Mous & Loos.
Our side of the Kopinsky family goes back to Gaim Kopinsky, who lived in Vilnius, Lithuania. Nowadays, Kopinskys can be found in the USA, Canada...
Family Tree Kortenkamp-Tegeler-Lang
A genealogical publication by Daniel Kortenkamp with information about, among others, the families Kortenkamp, Fabricius, Lang, Berg, Schermer, Oeth, Tegeler, Reinfried and Meyer.
A genealogical publication by Griselda Patricia Estrada with information about, among others, the families Estrada, Cermesoni, Pérez, Ghiringhelli, Kraak, Kievit, Almécija, Sommaruga and Pozuelo.
A genealogical publication by Tetiana with information about, among others, the families .
Family Tree Muhammadu Kabir Usman
A genealogical publication by Hassan Kabir with information about, among others, the families Kabir, Abdulmumini, Abdulkarim, Mustapha, Aliyu, Hamza, Aminu, Muhammadu and Bello.
Family Tree Van der Kloen in England
A genealogical publication by George Adams with information about, among others, the families Adams, Kloen, Handscomb, Day, Sammons, Jeffery, Miles, Horton and Field.
Stamboom en kwartiertsaat van familie Kroon, Lam, van Oosterom en Griffioen.