
Stamboom Gids » Familienamen » L

Websites 51 - 60 van 790:

Familie van Lier

De herkomst van de familie onderzoeken

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Familie Van loon

Een genealogische publicatie door Corina Kerstens met gegevens over onder andere de families Van Loon, Kanters, Van Beek, Van Iersel, Van Dongen, Van den Heetkamp, Schaddelee, Canters en Mouthaan.

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Families van Lutzenburg & van Luxzenburg

Geneanet pagina van de stamboom van de familie van Lutzenburg/van Luxzenburg

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Famille Lecuyer-Trividic

A genealogical publication by Michel Lecuyer with information about, among others, the families Rouxel, Lecuyer, Gouret, Carfantan, Hamon, Salmon, Trividic, Richeux and Coupe.

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Famille Liers et plus

A genealogical publication by M.F. Liers with information about, among others, the families BEGUIN, LIERS, VIVANT, HINEUX, TISSOT, COUSSEMAEKER, FOLIN, CROIZER & DELATTRE.

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Family Linder-Krueger

A genealogical publication by Tabea Hirzel with information about, among others, the families Linder, Hirzel, Furrer, Knepper, Krüger, Kemper Knepper, Bosshard, Ziegenhagen and Kratz.

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Family Tree Christine Linscott

A genealogical publication by Christine Linscott with information about, among others, the families Linscott, Roush, Daniels, Davison, Marlatt, Ennis, Booth, Hatfield and Hallock.

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Family tree Lehmann Mosquera Popayán, Cauca

A genealogical publication by Hermann Lehmann with information about, among others, the families Herrera, Arboleda Arboleda, Lehmann, Adlercreutz, De Herrera Y Paniza, Cardenas Mosquera, Mosquera Y Arboleda, Arboleda Mosquera and Pérez de Arroyo Y Valencia.

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Family tree Levy

A genealogical publication by Jayme Levy with information about, among others, the families Anderson, Harrington, Picot, Telford, Van der Lee, Stentler, HARRINGTON, Schouten and Holterman.

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Family Tree Lichtenberg - Arnhem (Gelderland)

Een publicatie door Henk Lichtenberg met gegevens over oa. de families Mcgill, Nicol, Lichtenberg, Donlen, Shaw, De Hayr, Anderson, Dehayr, Hinks en Fluit.

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