Websites 81 - 90 van 328:
A genealogical publication by Antonio Avilano with information about, among others, the families Nautius Rutilus, Verginius Tricostus and Nautia.
A genealogical publication by Debra Naviaux with information about, among others, the families Dennison, Goffinet, Naviaux, Denison, Krenzke, Valenti, Dupont, Nelson and Sell.
A genealogical publication by David Allen Navorska with information about, among others, the families Alwood, Groen, Kuper, Smith, Janssen, Johnson, Viers, Naber and Meyer.
Een publicatie door Ton Janknegt met gegevens over oa. de families Nederveld, Den Hartigh, Kieft, Nedervelt, Van der Steen, Landman, Reenders, Westerveld, Van Neervelde en Noordzij.
Nelson Family of Chautauqua Co., NY and Sweden
A genealogical publication by Douglas C Nelson with information about, among others, the families Lowell, Blodgett, Pierce, Allen, Turk, Nyblad, Ralph, Selleck and Marsh.
Neugebauer/Schneider Family Tree
A genealogical publication by Bob Neugebauer with information about, among others, the families HILZENDEGER, SCHNEIDER, ODDEN, WAHL, FEIST, NEUGEBAUER, WOLF, VOELLER and SCHNOOR.
Een publicatie door Nicky met gegevens over oa. de families Terpstra, Goossens, Parijs, van, Berben, Lugt, van der, Smets, Maas, Burghardt en Burghardt.