Websites 91 - 100 van 300:
A genealogical publication by Maryna Zhubryk with information about, among others, the families Delfini, Жубрик, Полищук, Gelati, Galli, Гордієнко, Sernesi, Романов & Venturelli.
A genealogical publication by Fabiano Oliveira with information about, among others, the families Burlamaqui, De Almeida Prado, Antunes Maciel, Da Silva, De Oliveira, Da Silva Tavares, García, Rollo and Do Canto.
Een genealogische publicatie door Jan van de Venn met gegevens over onder andere de families Oljans, Oldejans, Hummelen, Etten, Nijboer, Bouwmeester, Huisman, Jans en Meinen.
A genealogical publication by Armando Oscar Olmos with information about, among others, the families Olmos, Duran, Lopez, Garcia, Hernandez, Ruiz, Rodriguez, Longoria and Serna.
A genealogical publication by Charles Olson with information about, among others, the families Morgan, Strong, Hale, Williams, Alden, Hunt, Huntington, Avery and Adams.